Monday, January 19, 2009

National Western Stock Show

Few things in this life live up to our childhood memories. This weekend Scott and I decided to take our kids and attend the National Western Stock Show in Denver. Growing up my family regularly attended this event, sometimes it was for my Dad to buy stock, sometimes it was to make contacts with other breeders, and sometimes it was just for fun. Going to the stock show as I was growing up holds nothing but great memories for me, so I was a little anxious about attending this year. After all, everything changes right?
Well, not the stock show. It was as if time had absolutely frozen. As we walked into the complex and looked around time seemed to fly backwards. It looked the same, felt the same, and smelled the same. We walked around and the vendors were all there, selling the same things, jewelry, leather goods, cool toys, stock trailers, portable fencing, and cotton candy. The nostalgia was so strong I had to resist the urge to look over my shoulder to see if my Dad was right behind me.
It was a great experience, and (despite a massive nose bleed and bad asthma attack) my children are already planning for next year. They loved the rodeo, the stock yards and the vendors. After all, how many places in this world can you see an Elvis impersonator with trained sheep dogs, herding sheep, with monkeys on their backs?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How does a boy become a man?

This was the questions asked of me, by my nine year old as I was leaving for work. Thinking "what a great teaching moment" and thinking of a wise answer I said, "A boy becomes a man when he starts taking responsibility for his actions." Erik looked at me and said, "I guess I'll have to ask Dad."

So much for my wisdom!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Perfect Sunday!

Well, I am not very sentimental, even though I scrapbook alot. But I have to admit that as I was lying in front of the fireplace on Sunday afternoon I was overwhelmed with a sense of joy and contentment. Emily and I were watching the old Parent Trap movie, Scott and Erik were building Sponge Bob legos. I realized how precious these afternoons are with my little family. All to soon my children will be to busy spend a quiet afternoon with Mom and Dad. So, I wanted to record my feelings about a great Sunday afternoon, spent with the people I love most.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We Make the Slowest Pinewood Derby Cars!

Well, yesterday was the Pinewood Derby. We have been working on this for weeks, Scott with the track, software, and don't forget, the cars. I worked on all the logistics: time, place, awards, and food. Overall I think everyone had a pretty good time, except for the fact that in all my planning, I forgot coffee. The cub master announced that there was juice, donuts and coffee in the back of the room, and I looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights. I don't even know how to make coffee!! Fortunately, someone scrounged some up and made it!

There were 22 scouts, and 13 in the Me Too category (for siblings and over-active Dad's). Erik had a green car (again), Emily's is red and Scott's was left natural wood. So Erik came in 4Th out of 4 in his Bear Den, Emily was 13Th and Scott came in 12Th in the Me Too race. Well, at least no one can accuse us of cheating! Now, I know there are a lot of secrets to great Pinewood Derby cars, and maybe next year we won't be so busy working on the Derby so that we can actually work on the Derby cars. Erik and Emily were good sports about losing, and Erik is focusing on getting 4Th place. He just doesn't expound on how many were in his category.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Out of Pictures???

This is my scrapbook room, my fortress of solitude, my me place. Filled with memorabilia, paper, stickers, cutters, embelishments, a TV and favorite DVDs. But do you see what is missing? There is no stack of pictures waiting...oh, there are boxes of pictures, but I am out of pictures to scrapbook. I know... my mother and sisters have boxes available, just next door. But today I finished up pictures from Arches, Color Sunday on the Grand Mesa, and Halloween. I don't have my Christmas pictures back yet, so as I thumbed through the boxes, I realized I am down to Scott's childhood photos, and I am not ready to start those. So here I sit, blogging instead of scrappin.

You see 2009 is supposed to be a banner year for scrappin. Our ward is now meeting at 9:00, which means we are done with church by 12:00. That generally gives me all Sunday afternoon to scrap, and here it is, the first Sunday of the year and I am out of pictures. I have made literally dozens of albums, and now what??? I need to come up with more projects or 2009 is going to be a very long year.