A few weeks ago I realized I had to at least offer my Webelos the chance to go up to the top of the Grand Mesa, walk around in 8 ft of snow and do activities that could be done on a nice sunny day, but that Scout leaders think is more fun in freezing cold. I emphasized how cold it was, that it was really designed for older Scouts, and that parents must accompany them. The bad news was I had two Webelos that were all for it. You see my son had the chance to go to Klondike two years ago, thanks to Jason. He came back vowing to never go again. So when two other Webelos decided they wanted to go, Scott's troop was going, and they had suckered Scott into doing the BB guns, I knew I had to get Erik to go, if only for appearances. So we had the following conversation:
Me: Erik...what would it take to get you to go to Klondike?
Erik: I am not going to Klondike, it is freezing up there. I hate walking around in the snow, I'm not going.
Me: Would you go to Klondike for a cell phone?
Erik: NO, I'm not going to Klondike! Are you trying to bribe me?
Me: What would you go up there for?
Erik: Well...I might go up there for a collection of Bakugans, but who am I kidding? You're not going to buy me those.
Me: (Desperate at this point) What do you consider a collection?
Erik: Oh, like 6.
Me: Done!
So we went, bear in mind that I turn the thermostat up to 80 when my co-worker is gone. We were the only Webelos pack there, and we trooped around all morning, climbing through 6-8 feet of snow. OK, I didn't think we would need snowshoes, and now I know better. I didn't realize how fast little boys could soak gloves, and now I know better. I didn't realize taking my 14 year old daughter to the Klondike wasn't a good idea, now I know better (think sugar addict in a candy store).
Now I'm wondering what Scott will have to use to bribe both Erik and I to go next year, because I am not going up to Klondike!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Pinewood Derby Goblins & Trophies

Well, this picture pretty much says it all! Erik finally placed in a Pinewood Derby. He took second in his division, but I don't think he would have been any more excited to win at Daytona!
Now about the Goblin... Last year our Pinewood was in January. Scott was still working rotating shifts as a police officer and had been up around 36 hours when Friday night rolled around. You see, we check weights and impound the cars on Friday night, then the race starts the next morning at 10. Well, last year we got home on that cold January night and discovered our house was freezing. The furnace had absolutely stopped. Scott was so tired, but we trudged upstairs, moved Erik's bed and climbed into the attic. He hit the reset a couple times, then ended up just standing there staring at it. I sent him to bed and called the service. Fortunately in this 24 hour world, they have service techs at 11:30 on a Friday night.
Fast forward to this year, we went to the weigh in, got home around 10:30 and...you guessed it, a cold house. I had no idea that a high efficiency furnace had a Pinewood Derby sensor.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Erik & Taylor Swift
The other night, on our way to scouts, Erik flipped on the radio, the voice gently came through the speakers and...my son looks at me. Accusingly he says, "Is this Taylor Swift?" I couldn't deny it, she is on all the time. He immediately switched the station.
You see, while the rest of my family thinks she's awesome, love her music, and hope she continues to not turn into Brittany Spears, my son has a dissenting opinion. I think he is the only person in America (outside the Jonas family) who doesn't adore Taylor Swift. I suggested he learn to like her, I told him she seemed to not be going anywhere soon. "I just can't stand her, she is such a poser." "A poser?" I asked. "Yeah! She's all like makeup and glitter, she's a diva."
OK, I'm not sure whether I should be concerned that my 10 year old son is using words like poser and diva, or that he doesn't like one of the cutest girls on CMT.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I Betrayed my Dudley!
Yes, it's true! You see a few weeks ago Scott and I loaded up the dogs and took them for shots (thank you madam dog catcher, for reminding me I hadn't got the licenses yet). While we were there the vet looked in Dudley's mouth and said he had a couple abscessed teeth. "Has he been cranky lately?" she asked. Seriously? This is Dudley, he usually is...
Fast forward a couple weeks and the surgery day arrived. It is amazing how an 85# dog can decide to lay down and feel like he weighs about 150#. Of course, Scott had already left for work and I got the sole responsibility...and blame!!!
I dropped him off at the vet and promptly returned after work. They had taken three teeth out, and he was still a little wobbly when I got there. I didn't even get a tail wag when he came out, he just stared at me like I had sold him down the river. I got him loaded in the proverbial mini van and tried to talk to him all the way home. Dudley has this thing that if he doesn't want to listen to you he turns away, as if to say "If I'm not looking directly at you, you don't exist." So all the way home he just stared out the back window of the van.
We got home, he jumped out, and I went in the house. I came out to call him in to lay down, and he hid behind a tree...ignoring me. I finally sent Emily out to bring him in, oh...he came in with her! Again, refusing to look at me. I poked my head in many times that night, he just stared at me. The next morning was more of the same. It seriously broke my heart...and my wallet!
Finally when I got home the next day, he appears to have forgiven me...or he just discovered that I had the pain pills.
Fast forward a couple weeks and the surgery day arrived. It is amazing how an 85# dog can decide to lay down and feel like he weighs about 150#. Of course, Scott had already left for work and I got the sole responsibility...and blame!!!
I dropped him off at the vet and promptly returned after work. They had taken three teeth out, and he was still a little wobbly when I got there. I didn't even get a tail wag when he came out, he just stared at me like I had sold him down the river. I got him loaded in the proverbial mini van and tried to talk to him all the way home. Dudley has this thing that if he doesn't want to listen to you he turns away, as if to say "If I'm not looking directly at you, you don't exist." So all the way home he just stared out the back window of the van.
We got home, he jumped out, and I went in the house. I came out to call him in to lay down, and he hid behind a tree...ignoring me. I finally sent Emily out to bring him in, oh...he came in with her! Again, refusing to look at me. I poked my head in many times that night, he just stared at me. The next morning was more of the same. It seriously broke my heart...and my wallet!
Finally when I got home the next day, he appears to have forgiven me...or he just discovered that I had the pain pills.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wait a minute...
On Tuesday morning, Erik and I were going through our normal routine when my brother-in law Jay, came in the back door. I looked over and he was clutching both hands to the left hand side of his chest! "Oh no!" I thought. Then he said, "Allison...can you take me to the hospital emergency room on your way to work?"
Oh my heck!! "Of course!" I said, "Just let me get my shoes." "OK, I'll meet you out by your van. I was going to drive myself in...but I don't think I'll make it."
I quickly rush around, getting my shoes. "Is Uncle Jay having a heart attack?" Erik asked. "I think so, I better hurry." I rush out to my van and begin scraping the window, thinking I should have grabbed the bottle of aspirin I keep on the back porch for the dog. Jay came over and I asked if he had taken an aspirin. "I'm way past aspirin." he declared. I thought, "oh no, this must be bad."
We jump in the van and as I'm backing out of the driveway I wonder where my sister is, after all she is his wife. He tells me "Don't look at my hand." I think, "ok, I don't know why I would". Then I see my sister, walking calmly over from her house looking royally mad! Jay asks me to stop so he can talk to her before we leave, "She thinks I'm mad at her." he tells me.
OK, so adrenaline was riding pretty high, but it took me a few miles to realize that my brother-in-law was not having a heart attack, but had injured his hand and was bleeding. Talk about miscommunication!! I got him to the hospital, and after he got some really good drugs, they scrubbed out the joint, popped it back into the socket and sewed him up.
I'm glad Jay is OK, but next time I think I might ask for clarification before I let my heart start racing!!
Oh my heck!! "Of course!" I said, "Just let me get my shoes." "OK, I'll meet you out by your van. I was going to drive myself in...but I don't think I'll make it."
I quickly rush around, getting my shoes. "Is Uncle Jay having a heart attack?" Erik asked. "I think so, I better hurry." I rush out to my van and begin scraping the window, thinking I should have grabbed the bottle of aspirin I keep on the back porch for the dog. Jay came over and I asked if he had taken an aspirin. "I'm way past aspirin." he declared. I thought, "oh no, this must be bad."
We jump in the van and as I'm backing out of the driveway I wonder where my sister is, after all she is his wife. He tells me "Don't look at my hand." I think, "ok, I don't know why I would". Then I see my sister, walking calmly over from her house looking royally mad! Jay asks me to stop so he can talk to her before we leave, "She thinks I'm mad at her." he tells me.
OK, so adrenaline was riding pretty high, but it took me a few miles to realize that my brother-in-law was not having a heart attack, but had injured his hand and was bleeding. Talk about miscommunication!! I got him to the hospital, and after he got some really good drugs, they scrubbed out the joint, popped it back into the socket and sewed him up.
I'm glad Jay is OK, but next time I think I might ask for clarification before I let my heart start racing!!
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