OK, don't let anyone know, but I'm secretly a sci-fi reader. I have loved reading science fiction for about 23 years now. You would think, since I'm married to the computer guy, that he is to, but sadly, no. However, early indications of my children's book choices indicate that they are following more in my footsteps than their father. If they had picked technical manuals, that would be more like Scott.
Anyway, I was so excited this morning while I was wasting time at Sam's Club that I discovered the 13th installment of my Wheel of Time series book!

You see, Robert Jordan died before he finished this series. Brandon Sanderson was selected by the author's family to finish the last book, which has turned into three. It is only 843 pages, if only it had been released last week, my recuperation time would have had a purpose. But no worries, my family, house, animals, work, will all be abandoned for a few days while I immerse myself back into this world!