Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Apparently, it could be worse...

Believe it or not, there are a few things I don't share with everyone. I know, that is hard to believe since I feel like I tell everyone everything! But I have had quite a few challenges in the last six months which I have, shall we say, kept pretty close to the vest. The other night, I was reminiscing about the last couple weeks, since I kissed 2010 away and welcomed in 2011, thinking...there is no way it could be as bad as last year. I went to bed thinking so far for 2011, our challenges are pretty darn good. Then I had the dream.....

I dreamed my darling 15 year old announced she was pregnant. The father, a boy she doesn't have an interest for in real life, is a very nice young man. I dreamed they were almost as surprised as her Mom and Dad were. Of course my plans in the dream were to send her live with her Aunt Donna, and give that child to someone who needed it.

Then I woke up, and realized that as bad as my challenges have been in the last couple months, apparently... they could have been worse!