Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yeah, I didn't know what this was either. But it turns out that my daughter (and several other people in my family) have a double hooky thing on the inside of their bottom lip. It turns out that this causes the gums to recede and needs to be corrected with surgery. So because it was Christmas break, Emily and I headed into the surgeon's office yesterday to get this thing taken care of (mostly because she wouldn't let me just do it with one my scrapbooking scissors). Well, it turns out that it was already starting to make the gums recede, so after she got some laughing gas they did both the gum graft and the frenectomy. Turns out I should have got the laughing gas for when I got the bill! Anyway, Emily is home now, soothing her very sore mouth with a lot of ice cream and pudding. They said it would take three to six weeks for all this to heal. What a way to spend Christmas break. She should start feeling better, just in time to get those braces put on....lucky girl!

1 comment:

Nancy Nina said...

ugh! what a way to spend your break from school. thanks for the Christmas card and pic!