Friday, December 5, 2008

Learning to Say No...Thank You

I seem to be suffering from a bit of over-commitment lately. Between family, work, scouts, and church I haven't had a single day off (with the exception of Thanksgiving) for well over a month. So last night I was racing through Erik's spelling words when he asked if I had to go back into town that night. I told him "Yes, unless Emily has decided that she doesn't want to sing in the Christmas Choir." Emily was sitting at the other end of the table, looked up at me with a puzzled expression and said, "I don't want to sing, I thought we were doing this because you really wanted to." With that simple statement the light of epiphany dawned and we just stared at each other for several seconds, until we burst out laughing. Each of us has been enduring this choir because we thought it meant something to the other. So right there we decided to stay home, and decorate our tree as soon as Scott got home. It felt great to drop the weight of that burden and let it go, so I encourage everyone to learn, once in a while, to say, "no...I don't think I will be able to do that right now". It feels great!!

1 comment:

Donna Lyn said...

No, no, no, no, no - Hey you are right! That does feel good! Oh yeah - No, t-h-a-n-k y-o-u (forgot the thank you part). Hope you and Emily continue to enjoy your choir nights off. By the way - love the star over your manger scene - nice addition this year (you should really post some more pictures).