Wow, I can't believe that it has been that long since I posted. But I hate it when people don't regularly update their blog!! I am so guilty.
Anyway, our family has been pretty busy. We had a scout district camporee down at the creek the weekend of May 15-17, and that kept us crazy busy. There were weeks of planning, and we had about 65 scouts that came and camped out for the weekend. It was a little strange...camping within a quarter mile of our house, but Scott and the kids were good sports about it. I will admit, I did slip off everyday and take a shower.
Also, we had Emily's advancement ceremony for 8th grade. They held it at the Avalon Theater down on Main Street, and it was very nice. She earned the Presidents Academic Achievement award, Knights of the Round, and Knighthood. Pretty impressive for a girl that doesn't get half of my jokes! It was a little bittersweet, because a lot of her friends are going to a different high school or moving because of the economy. But she has email and texting to stay in touch.
Last weekend we all just crashed and didn't do very much. I will tell you all that my sisters and I did have a first on Saturday night. We, for the first time, got kicked out of a cemetery. We had made the rounds to visit all our dearly departed, and place the requisite flowers (cut fresh from the yard, except that we didn't have any coffee cans to make the arrangements in..). Anyway, we had made it to the Orchard Mesa Cemetery, North Avenue, and were out in Fruita. Now, as is our way, it isn't enough just to observe our own family, we like to stroll around, check out the other headstones (discussing the pros & cons of each, making selections for the future), and while we were doing this a creepy man came and told us "You have to leave, I'm shutting the gates" We told him we were still looking around, but he didn't care. So that is the first time I have ever been kicked out of a cemetery.
So there it is a pretty boring update...but at least I feel better!
Love the new look on your blog. Especially your family's pic. Did Emily get her hair cut short recently? Way cute!
I thought for sure you ladies had been kicked out for something that Nancy did, you know, like moon or otherwise.
I agree, you surely have been kicked out before! Well, with you three, there's a first for everything!
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