Since we live almost in the middle of nowhere (town seems to be getting closer these days), and we are serious TV junkies, we have Dish Network. One of the features that we really like about Dish is that you can create favorites lists, so you don't have to scroll through a gazillion channels to find what you want. Because Scott was a former member of the AV club in high school (he denies this) anyway, we have several favorites lists, kids, pay per view movies, music, etc. I love having my own lists that has channels the kids aren't interested in, like Fox News, the Food Network, or the History Channel. I hadn't thought anything about this until I overheard my son the other morning as he was turning on the TV say:
"Ughh, every time I turn on the TV, it is on the Adult channels."
Scott has now renamed that list "Parents".
1 comment: mentioned what you like on your channels, but is Erik telling us something about his dad's channels, huh??
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