Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Waiting for Harriet

Well, here we are...Nancy, Donna, and I, all sitting at the surgical center waiting for Harriet. I'm not sure why we feel we have to be here, it's not like any of us are going to do the sinus surgery on the old woman!

You see, about a month ago, my mother had a nose bleed that simply wouldn't stop. Scott & I insisted that she go into the ER. Two days later we were back in, the packing wasn't working, so Nancy and I sat in there for about 7 hours while they cauterized it. A few days later she headed to the otolaryngologist, who discovered a mass in her sinus. After a biopsy they determined that it isn't malignant, but the doctor claims to have never seen anything like it before and now wants to do surgery on it.

The old woman was insistent that she was fine, but her mean daughters insisted that she go ahead with the surgery. Why...because all our lives our mother has had a drippy nose, blown her nose, and has had wadded up kleenex in every pocket she has ever had. We are not talking about a polite little nose blow either, we are talking a full on serious, is that your brain coming out of your nose blow.

So now here we sit, patiently waiting on an all day procedure that will inevitably lead to a cranky mother. Nancy is surfing the web on her phone, Donna is trying to figure out Erik's nintendo DS and I am blogging. I'm not sure how people waited for surgical patients before, but this is how we do it now!


Unknown said...

Be sure to blog again when Harriet (aka Mother) is out of surgery!

Shella's Ramblings said...

I love that you call your mom Old Woman. I am sure Aunt Harriet would say you need a good butt kicking! Hope the family is doing well. We Smith kids miss Colorado!