My recent study has proven a direct link between the decrease in red meat consumption in the US and the rise in politically correct, wussie, namby pamby, wimpy, whiney, pathetic inability of Americans to freaking take a stand!!! I was once told that one of the first things that the Romans did when conquering a country was to eliminate red meat from the conquered people's diet. This made them more docile and easier to rule. Interesting, considering the rise of popularity in our country for fish, chicken and pork. Having to deal with extreme anemia for the last year or so, and learning how I felt during that time, I am now inclined to see how a lack of red meat (iron) can make you feel pretty puny.
So my solution for this country and anyone who truly loves it, is to eat more beef. Perhaps if we all got a little more in our systems we would start to grow a set, and take on the lilly livered, peace at all costs, can't we all just get along, over aged hippies that seem to run the show now. Then we could pray at our city councils, not have a mosque at ground zero, we could have winners and losers, and stop apologizing for having an opinion.
I know, some of you are now thinking maybe I've been eating a little to much red meat! Well, suck it up cupcake, and go get a steak!
Another reason I love my husband...he's a man. Not afraid to get dirty and eat red meat!
I really like that picture. I prefer hot dogs...and I prefer not to think about what's in them. There, I said it...my opinion!
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