Last night, thanks to some strange circumstances beyond my control, I had the opportunity to observe some of our local law enforcement's finest. Since I had a perfect vantage point (my Mother's front windows) I have decided to share some of my random insights:
Wow, I had no idea they made gun belts that big around.
Residents of Mesa County should always hope they are not in a hostage situation, since it takes about 3 hours to round up the SWAT team.
Should the guy in the house really be given the same ultimatum by PA four times? What? Do they think he might have been in the bathroom and not have noticed the armored swat vehicle sitting next to the front door?
I really should buy my Mom one of those eavesdropping things.
Has any of the tax payers in Mesa County noticed that the mobile command unit looks like a street taco vending truck? Several members of my family and I had to resist the urge to run over and place an order.
While I do appreciate them clearing my home before I came in, could they not have taken half a second to wipe their combat boots?
Ok, I can understand breaking out one window, but 6? And not using the doors?
If you are going to give the fugitive instructions, hope that he really does know which way is west.
Maybe, if the family members are all telling you he's not in the house, maybe he's not in the house.
Before you call out 30+ officers, maybe you should ping his cell first.
I know the fugitive wasn't very bright, but if he can outwit the deputies how smart are they?
If you really want to frustrate a former AF air base ground defense troop security police, federal officer- make him sit up at the end of the street and watch the keystone cops run all over the place. (ps, thanks for letting me listen to that last night).
Finally, if on the way up the street this morning and my son wondering why the windows are all broke out says, "why couldn't they just use one of those body heat, thermo things to see if he was in there?" I realize he gets it, maybe he should have been in charge of the op.
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