Friday, May 25, 2012


Ok, don't worry, not the real ICU. Scooter got lasiks on Tuesday. We might as well spend that lovely HSA money my work gives me. Anyway, they gave him these marvelous eye shields that he has to tape on every night to keep him from bumping his eyes. Also, about eight months ago he got placed on a cpap machine. So for the last several nights, we tape on his eye shields, then he puts on this weird brace to keep his mouth closed while he sleeps, then the little cpap headgear that also goes around his head and little tubes up his nose (he doesn't wear the regular mask). He looks like he has been in some horrible accident and he should be in ICU hooked up to ao bunch of machines, it is so funny, I giggle every time! I would post a pic, but he doesn't see the humor like I do. It's a good thing he had those years of practice sleeping in a gas mask!

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