Yeah, I've been thinking about this for quite some time. I'll admit, even I am surprised that I agree with Chief Justice Roberts about this particular program. But, I've decided that the most innocent and unfortunate among us are entitled to all the "rights" and privileges of free health care. Oh...I'm not talking about people (anyone who knows me, knows I don't like them), I am talking about my animals.
Do you have any idea how expensive health care is for your animals??? They are truly the most innocent among us, and they have some of the highest health care costs. Did you know that if I walk into any ER in the country, announce that I have no way of paying and demand care, they have to give it to me?? But, in contrast, if I take my mangled, bleeding pet into the vet and don't whip out a Visa with 20K open on it, they can refuse to treat my poor little baby.
Think about this, if everyone who has a pet had access to free health care, there would be a whole lot less unexpected babies in this world. My niece is getting ready to have her dog, Marley neutered, it will cost her at least $200. Granted, if Marley isn't neutered it isn't like he's going to be showing up with a belly full of babies, or even child support payments. But, she needs to do it, because not nipping that dog will have him running after every bitch in heat within a five mile radius with the intensity of Bill Clinton going after a White House full of interns.
My Mother recently had to take Daisy in because she contracted kennel cough (going around in our little pack) she waited until Daisy was really sick because she was worried about how much it was going to cost. If she had had free health care, we could take Daisy in all the time and never worry about a cost to benefit ratio. In fact if it were free I could take my goats in for a check up all the time...but that is a little hard, since my animal transport is a mini it would be better if the vet could make a house call.
So even though it may surprise you, I believe that my tax dollars and yours, plus all those evil insurance companies should go towards the poor, most innocent of all...our furry and scaly members of society, the animals. What??? You as a non-pet owner don't think you should have to pay for my conscious choice to own a large numbers of animals and as a result see your taxes or out of pocket costs go up???....huh...
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