No, I don't mean I want to be blunt.
I want to be Frank...
Frank technically belongs to my nephew Jason and his wife Allison. But, a subdivision house and three kids do not a good place for a hound dog make, so Frank lives with his "grandparents". Now, I use the term lives with pretty loosely here, because Frank doesn't really know where he lives. I am pretty sure Frank lives at my house, my mother swears he's always at hers, and Nancy claims he's always at hers.
Everybody loves Frank, I could have given him a way a couple dozen times over the years. And even though my family says his name with derision, I think we would all miss him if he wasn't around.
Sometimes Frank is a challenge, for instance when he wants my dogs to come out and play in the middle of the night he comes under my bedroom window and barks until I let Tina out to play. The other night I had been out checking the animals, then went to bed. Around 11:30 I woke up to Scott opening the bedroom window and yelling at Frank to shut up. Around 3:30 Frank woke me up again, not with his send out my friends bark or even his "I think this tree in the backyard might be getting ready to attack you" bark. No, he just was barking, so I sent Tina out, she stood on the back steps growled then ignored him. Deciding that he wasn't going to shut up and that we have had a few bears in the area, I grabbed a mag lite and headed out (yes, in my undies, because at 3:30 in the morning if someone is looking for a show I'm going to give it to them) I had just started out in the back yard and put the light out to the goat pen, there was Frank. He apparently had nosed his way into the pen while I was checking on everybody (something he does regularly) and got caught.
One thing is for sure, Frank gets around. I don't think anyone ever gets out of their car without Frank there to greet them. He wanders around all day, greeting everyone, checking out all the dog dishes, playing, and seeing what is going on. In fact I think the only one Frank truly annoys is my dog Dudley, who is not amused with Franks hippie dippie attitude. Although when my husband took on the bear at our garage, it was Frank who stood by his side.
So I want Frank's life, maybe for just a few days, but the biggest thought in his mind is where to ...SQUIRREL. Oh, did I mention he gets a little distracted? Sometimes when I get home with my groceries I have to hurry because Frank can somehow get those little knock kneed legs to get that incredibly long body clear up into the van or truck for his favorite groceries. I have seen him reach hamburger buns in the middle of the ...SQUIRREL. See what I mean, so for a dog's life, I'd like to be Frank.
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