Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Best Years of Your Life??

A couple days ago I heard it again, "those were the best days of my life". Really? I have heard this particular statement in reference to a lot of things over the years, high school, mission, college, etc.  Whenever I hear that I immediately feel sorry for that person's spouse and family.  The "best" days? Yep, it's all down hill from here...

Why do people do that? I don't understand. They look back at some halcyon version (yes, I get to use that word because I have actually had halcyon, it was awesome, all the cars on the highway had twins that day), as if nothing currently or in the future will ever measure up. Everyone has good times and bad, but I would never be so bold as to determine that it will never be as good as it once was. 

I hated high school, I was awkward and it was miserable. It didn't help that all the sitcoms in the 80's glorified high school as a great time, it wasn't. You couldn't pay me to go back to that time in my life, even though I still had my Dad and my sister. Now our kids have the Disney channel and half a dozen others that also glorify that time in your life, and trust me, high school never looks like a sitcom.What an unrealistic bar we set for our children.

Then there is the "best two years of your life" comment from people who are referring to their mission. If I were that person's wife I would be so sad...Do you mean to say that the best two years of your life were when you were living with some other guy? Not when we got married? When your children were born? When your grandchildren were born?

The best time in your life should be right now! Even when it stinks, this is the best time, go forward, embrace right now. You owe that to all the people in your life, this is the best time, don't squander today with rose colored glasses looking backwards.

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