Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Let a German Shoot Your Gun and....

they'll use all your ammo!
Then they will shoot your Halloween Pumpkins!

 So the time with our German students was drawing to a close and we had asked Kathi if she would like to go shooting, since they recommended that as an activity with the students (as if I need an excuse). Our student has a father who hunts boars on his farm and a brother who belongs to a shooting club. But we still asked her, originally her response was "oh...no...when I shoot, sometime I hurt myself...or other people".

OK, good to know...

But then I thought, "what about the people that are hosting students that don't have guns" (the thought frightened me), so at the lasts minute on FB I invited anyone that wanted to come out to our house and do a little shooting...

Well, we got about a dozen kids and shot about $400-$500 worth of ammo in about 3 hours...yeah...
But I couldn't say no.... they were having so much fun...I just kept going back to the safe and getting more...

I have to say the only incident was by me, and it was a dumb one, fortunately no one was injured. Also, we didn't quite expect so many, so ear protection was a premium, since I'm already half deaf I figured I just let them finish the job. They did.

Kathi and her friends were pretty proud of themselves, they didn't back away from any of the guns and everyone shot all them, even the .270. Then they decided to bring home a little souvenirs...I hope the TSA doesn't notice...

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