Saturday, July 27, 2013

Back on the sauce

I pretty freely admit it…I take Ambien. If you have had very many conversations with me or if you are friends with either my niece or me on Facebook, you also know it. Thanks to Jackie’s sharing, everyone knows I get a little wacky after taking it. Also, if you have called me after 8:30 pm and I haven’t made very much sense, you probably figured something was up. I have taken Ambien for years, and I will probably continue to take it. I simply don’t sleep, and when I don’t sleep, I get really mean and very nauseous.

I live in a family of insomniacs, my mother was always awake when I got home from a date, my husband can literally go days without sleep, Erik doesn’t sleep, and Emily never slept as a child, she sleeps in now, but to make up for all the sleep she missed in her childhood she sleeps in Sacrament meeting.

Occasionally I get the wild notion that I am going to go off my little addiction…then after a night of two without sleep, pretty much everyone wants me back on. Even my doctor has asked my why in the world I would want to stop taking something that is working, so - I won't.

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