Monday, April 7, 2014


Jumping on the ipad wagon early, Scott and I both got the original ipad.  Happy and content we settled in to being “cool”. Sadly, we turned envious when iPad2’s came out with cameras, even Harriet had a newer “cooler” ipad than us. But still we shouldered on, we didn’t need cameras.  Then one day when my ipad was getting a little jiggy, I realized I hadn’t updated the software…only to discover my dinosaur wasn’t upgradable.  WHAT???  Yes, that meant that all the new apps, or upgrades to the current apps weren’t going to work on my very reliable companion. Not to mention I had spent a small fortune on all those sweet iPad covers…

 What now? Another iPad? But no printing capability. So many apps, but no office……
So a decision was made for a Surface 2. I’ll admit, it is taking me a while to get into it.  But I am determined to use this to its full capability.  One of the reasons that I chose this was because I wanted office, printing capability, the ability to blog, and do my checkbook on my tablet.  Unfortunately I have discovered that my beloved 2003 Quicken isn’t going to work on this tablet. I know, what’s the big deal? Online banking right? Well, for one thing, I have 4 checking accounts and 3 savings accounts, of which I use all of them.  Also, I have discovered there really aren’t very many apps out there yet for my Surface.  But the truth be known I didn’t use much more than Facebook and the Kindle on my iPad.

 To top off living outside my comfort zone, I have decided to move my email to a private email service and give up my incredibly long email address. I have discovered it would be easier to swim the English Channel.

Change is hard

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