Saturday, May 31, 2014

Opinions & Politics

I am out of my sleeping pills. Let’s not get into the why’s…but anyway, as a result I have been staying up later than usual.  Ok, a lot later, like 2 or 3 am. Which wouldn’t be too bad, except that I get up for work at 5:30. So staying up that late gives me the opportunity to watch shows on TV that I normally wouldn’t get caught into. Like this week the History Channel has had a series of 3 nights on World Wars.  It was pretty interesting and I learned quite a few details that I hadn’t before.  Scott, always deferring the remote to me, also got quite into the series as well.  Many of you may not realize this about me, but I have a little trouble keeping my opinion to myself, and you may not also realize that politics is a somewhat major hobby of mine.  The combination of those two things made watching this series with me a bit of a trial for my dear husband.  He probably didn’t appreciate me calling historical figures scumbags, morons, or loud comments at the TV like, “Oh appeasement didn’t work for Neville Chamberlain? Odd, I’m sure it will work against Jihadists now days”.  I can’t help it, but for now that is my reality. I’m sure my husband will be much more content to watch his late night tv after his wife gets back on some sleeping pills.

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