Yup there is more than one way to skin a cat, but anyway you do it, the cat isn't going to like it. We are getting ready to return our little miner back to academic hell, and now that she isn't going to be living on campus she is going to require a little bit more in the way of transportation. Freshmen at mines are required to live on campus, and parking being a premium, they also recommend not to bring a car. They really are pretty self sufficient there, they seem to have their own little ecosystem.
But this year, Emily will actually be living just across the street, in a good sized two bedroom apartment with Tyler (Tyler is actually a girl, while I'm a free thinker, I'm not that free). Anyway, we as Emily's parents are generously furnishing her with a vehicle for her college experience. Yes, that's right we are taking the 1996 Dodge Dakota over there. I know, "I can't believe that you are taking the truck you purchased when Emily was 6 weeks old, over for her to use at college". Yeah, we aren't very good at letting things go... but anyway, the dodge runs pretty good, not for over the continental divide on any regular basis good, but good enough for running around the giant metropolis of Golden good. Honestly, Emily really only needs to get to church, the grocery store and of course, church.
The main trouble with the old dodge is that the speedometer has been flaky for about 15 of those 19 years we have had it. Numerous trips into the mechanics have yielded nothing. Intermittently the speedometer just stops working. But Scott discovered an awesome app... it gives your speed right there on the screen. So Scott downloaded it and tried it out, and when I say tried it out, that means that Scott held his tablet in front of him and ran up and down our street... well, it works, at that speed anyway.
I'll bet your sorry you missed that show!
I enjoy reading blog
That last anonymous was me Shelli D. Having trouble with google account. He he. Oh boy.....
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