Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Not My Fault

I've been thinking a lot about my weird, wry, sarcastic sense of humor lately. Maybe it's because my daughter has started catching on to some of my comments or the three new people at work keep making statements like "I can't believe you just said that." Anyway, I was wondering why I have this particular personality trait, then I thought of a favorite story of my sister Nancy's from her childhood.

My family had been pushing cows all day in the Dominguez Canyon on the Uncompaghre. The trail to get out of the canyon is pretty treacherous and was terrifying to Nancy. It's a steep cliff and as they were getting ready to start up, Nancy (ever the worrier) asked my Dad what would happen if the horse stumbled and she fell. My Dad look at her and said, "We'll sell that horse, right after your funeral."'s not my fault!

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