Tuesday, December 13, 2011


My family is a bunch of snobs. Not the " I couldn't possibly be caught at Walmart" type snobs. No, because my family is pretty nerdy, we are office supply snobs. One of the most dangerous places for the Dederick family and their checkbook to go to is the office supply store. It's been building for years, but here is a summary. I'll go oldest to youngest:

Scott-a paper snob. Scott has a super nice laser printer, and he only likes 32# or better paper. Usually it needs to be Hammermill or HP, but the 24# will never cut it.

Allison-well, I'll admit I love all office supplies. But I'm a snob when it comes to file folders. I really don't like manila colored file folders. I like the pretty ones that only come 3 or 6 in a pack. I know that once they go in the file you can't see them, but I don't care. I also really like the designer binder clips, and any funky jump drives I can find.

Emily-a messenger style book bag snob. Emily packs (seriously) about 40lbs of books everyday. As a result she used to go through book bags like crazy. Now however we spend big bucks (and time) combing through the attaché, briefcase, messenger bag section of our local office supply stores. They have to be roomy enough and have the right closure, not to mention the strap has to be just right...yeah, snobby.

And Erik-(the reason I realized we were snobs the other day), who is a mechanical pencil snob. I stood in the office supply store on Friday night with glazed eyes as my son explained the various virtues of a 0.7mm lead over a 0.5mm lead. Although discovering the new 0.9mm pencil was exciting and he did want to purchase one package of these, but insisted on the standard 0.7mm package also, just to be on the safe side.

I know...we are nerds, but at least we are snobs in our nerdi-ness!

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