Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Catch Up

Ok, I've been busy, but don't worry the voices have been vying for various gratitude options so here is the most recent list:

Septic systems - seriously an amazing achievement, not to mention an unsung hero when everything is working great. So easily overlooked, be grateful.

Antibiotics - so incredibly glad I didn't live 100 years ago. Can you imagine worrying over every fever and pus  weeping sore?

Aluminum Sulfate - the charge of this wonderful chemical makes my life so much easier. I am so grateful that I don't have to use ferric chloride because that stuff is nasty.

Chlorox wipes - if it weren't for this wonderful idea my house would be even dirtier than it is. I'll admit that the perfect housekeeper I am not, but thanks to these wonderful disposable wipes  - everything is just a little bit better.

I think that catches me up

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