Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, Little People

Today I’m glad that little people think they are important. No I don’t mean little as in small in stature, I mean little people the way that Clark Griswolds boss meant it in Christmas Vacation. This morning I was putting my niece Kassandra on the bus, and I haven’t done that this year. Apparently there is a new bus driver a.k.a. a new “sherrif” in town.

When he came down the steps to help get her walker he said, “Who are you?” No, hello, no how are you. I felt like saying, “Oh, just some random stranger out here at 6:20 in the am that happened to see this special needs person waiting for a bus”. Idiot! So I told him I was an aunt that lived across the street and then he said, “Is someone going to be here to get her off?” Again, I felt like saying “Oh, you need someone here when you drop her off? Like the last 14 years?” Instead I simply said, “Yes, we’ll have someone here” Freaking moron…why aren’t you in an OR suite performing brain surgery????

Don’t worry everyone, no doubt he is reproducing at a much faster rate than the people reading this, so we will always have the little people.

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