At this point I realize my day has been an absolute waste, so I decide to head home. On my way home, while passing the radio towers between Whitewater and the turn off, I noticed a person on her hands and knees out in the weeds, down by the fence. No apparent cars around, so I back up and walk on down to where a teenage girl was sobbing. I start talking to her and she was obviously coming off something. She asked if I could help her and if I was a devil, I assured her that I didn't think I was a devil and asked her is she wanted to say a prayer before I took her to the hospital. She said yes, so we knelt together and said a prayer.
SIDE NOTE: This is the turning point when this could be an awesome story...
I get her into my car, and she is all scratched up in her itty bitty shorts and tiny tank top, she kept thanking me, then she started talking about Lucifer, demons, angels, and if this was hell. Then she asked if we had to keep living this life over and over, if that was hell. Then she began to talk about how Satan had been an angel and that God forgives everyone, but not her, she had been to bad. This went on for about 5 minutes, crying, and crying, then she needed a drink, which fortunately I had a fresh bottle of water in the truck, then she needed a bag to hurl in. So I gave her a Taco Bell bag (Note: she never actually hurled, thank goodness).
At this point we had made it to Orchard Mesa, and I was thinking I was going to make it, drop her off at the ER and call it good. All that changed however, after we went through the stop light at 28 1/2 Rd, that is when she went bat guano crazy. She started kicking the dash, the window, me, she threw water bottles at me and grabbed the wheel of my truck, while I was going about 50 mph. Thankfully, she was pretty little so I did manage to pull the truck over into the barrow ditch without flipping it (which I was complimented on by both a sheriff deputy and a couple of witnesses). As soon as the truck stopped, she was out running around on the frontage road. Screaming and carrying on, knowing my cell was just about out of juice I decided to go ahead and call 911, but just then an older couple stop to help me stare at her and keep her from getting run over since she is now laying in the east bound lane of the frontage road.
Of course, the 911 dispatcher wanted all kinds of information that I didn't have. I just wanted her to dispatch someone. She asked me the girls name, age, then asked if she was black...I hadn't mentioned that. So... what did the dispatcher know that I didn't. I asked if someone had been dispatched, and if they were running lights, because you can almost see the OM fire station from where we were. Dispatch informed me that fire/ambulance wouldn't be there until law enforcement because the girl was violent... curious, hadn't really mentioned that either. In the mean time, the old people were busy keeping her from getting run over since she was laying flat on her back with her arms out in the middle of the lane. She kept mumbling about demons, then she looked at me and informed me that I was a viper, that I pretended to be all Christian. But God knows! Then she told me that God loved her, my response, "Yes He does, but I'm not real fond of you right now." Finally the officers got her in handcuffs and asked her if she had had something special today, she said she did but they would have to guess!!!
The first deputy said "Mushrooms", "Nope, try again" she said. The other deputy said "Dabs?" "YUP!" she got all excited again, then promptly attempted to pass out. That's when they escorted her over to the ambulance.
After the deputy came back, he told us what daps were, apparently they are super concentrated THC mixed with some type of substance like candle wax, which gives them basically an overdose of marijuana. The deputy told us that this was the 10th case of daps this week. Plus I was the third person to have kicked this particular young lady out of the car. The last guy she ripped his sunglasses off his head while he was driving and called him a cyborg, in fact that was why the deputy's response took so long, he had been out looking for her on the highway.

Later, he needed my contact info, this made me hesitant, so I told him my name, then when it came to the address I gave him the street and saw the tell-tale tightening of the lips. "yeah, I know, I should have known better". He asked if things had quieted down on our little Mormon family street, I told him it had for awhile after they had gotten Lisa, but recently another cousin had started seriously growing marijuana, and things had gotten a little worse.
In the end, yes I should have just called 911 from the highway...I should have known better.
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