Sunday, April 12, 2015

Parent Failure #138765

As previously mentioned, I love watching Dr. Pol, it reminds me both of my childhood and the decision I made to not become a vet. Anyway, I was in my room watching and episode when Erik came in to talk to me about something. In the middle of talking to me he looks at the TV and sees Dr. Pol fishing around inside a cow looking to get a twin lined up for delivery.

Erik: UGHH...Mom, you know I don't like watching this
Me: What, Dr. Pol, or delivering calves?
Erik: Delivering the calves, I don't EVER want to see something like that in real life.
Me: Really?? What about when you child is born, don't you want to be in there with the wife and see the baby?
Erik: OHHH...thanks for that mental image Mom!! My wife laying there and some guy with his arms up to his elbows in her vagina!


1) Where did you learn the word vagina? And when did it become so comfortable in your vocabulary?

2) Little tip for both you and your wife, if a Dr. is reaching that far up there, that baby isn't ready to come out and you should stop him.

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