Friday, November 6, 2009

Politically Incorrect...again

I have a question, do you still get your 72 virgins if it's an infidel woman who pumps you full of lead? I think it was awesome the way Sgt Kimberly Munley took care of the idiot at Fort Hood. Today, I couldn't be prouder of my gender. It makes me want to exercise my freedom this weekend with a little target practice. Still, I am so sorry for the families of those who were his victims, and will keep them in my prayers.

When Scott and I first moved to Utah his TDY rate was over 200 days a year (that means he was gone a lot). Scott asked me if I wanted a handgun for protection while he was away, but he said, "If we get you a gun, you need to decide right now that you are willing to kill someone." He's a pretty smart guy, and he was right. Before purchasing something like that you do need to make that decision because the heat of the moment isn't the time, and hesitation means your gun can be used against you. At the time I decided that I could kill someone, but didn't want to live with the memory of it. So we didn't get me a gun.

Then I had children, and realized I could live with a lot of things. By that time we had moved on base, so I thought I was pretty safe. After all, where in the world could you be safer than surrounded by some of our nation's finest? We were only on base 3 months before there was a murder next door. Hmmm.

Anyway, obviously from my previous posts our family is comfortable with weaponry now. I didn't grow up with handguns, but since marrying a guy who is really good with them, my children and I are now much more familiar with them. No, we aren't right wing nut jobs that obsess about them. However, I do feel that if they are going to be in my home, everyone there should learn to use them and respect them. After all, it isn't guns that kill's bullets!

But, I digress. This post was about Fort Hood, and how impressive that a woman on traffic duty rose to challenge and did just what she had trained for. How many lives did she save yesterday?

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