Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yesterday I had an appointment with the dentist. I hate the dentist. Oh, I have a perfectly wonderful dentist (I have learned there are way to many of them to put up with the bad ones). I just have issues with dentists that stem way, way back. Usually I phsyc myself up, get ready and sit, white knuckled through the entire process. I must not be very good at fooling him, because he is usually patting my shoulder, reminding me to breathe and assuring me he is almost done.

Well, yesterday, I just wasn't up to getting a couple fillings drilled out and refilled again, so I made up my mind to ask for it! I sat down in that chair, looked the hygienist straight in the eye and told her I wanted the gas. She looked confused at first, then disapproving at me. I stayed strong, I needed the drugs. She hemmed and hahed, but finally said she would see how much extra they would charge me, well trust me $30 is pretty minor to my piece of mind. So they put the nose piece on and at first nothing happened...but then, marvelously, joyously, relaxing, don't care if you pull them all and give me dentures kind of feeling. That had to be the most wonderful trip to the dentist I have ever had. Afterward, all I could think about was how many miserable hours I had previously spent in those chairs when it all could have been a wonderful blur. I'm not sure if they let you have the gas for cleanings, but I plan to make seriously use of this stuff in the future.

The only down side was the munchies I had on the way home, but that is a small price to pay for starting to like the dentist after 41 years!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have a plan...

Well, recently my work cracked down on "unauthorized Internet access". Now, I'm not admitting to any guilt...but it has seriously put a cramp in my daily activities. Additionally, about 2 months ago my favorite talk radio show was bumped in order to carry all three hours of Glen Beck. While I appreciate a little Glen Beck and his "the world is ending any day now, make sure you have your food and gold", I really miss my Neil Boortz.

You see Neil Boortz is my favorite talk show host. He is a libertarian, and has a lot of common sense. He was on in the mornings from 8-10 and gave a great start to my day, but now he is on from 8-10 at night. AARRRGGHHH!!!! Coincidentally, since Boortz has been off in the mornings, so have I. I just don't seem to have any pep, the spring in my step has slowed down and I'm just not the positive ray of sunshine my coworkers have come to expect. (well that's my version of it). Oh, my doctor will say it has something to do with an extremely low iron level, but I know it all started the day they took Boortz off the morning.

SO, I have a plan!!! Knowing that I have been seriously neglecting my scrapbooking past time, I have now decided to start scrappin at night so I can listen to my sanity and get some creative juices flowing. Hopefully this will put my ying and yang back in balance (whatever that means). All I know is that I am lots happier with my daily that is my plan.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Santa Cookies

A whole lot of lot of cookies for one fat Santa!

Sledding Fun

These pictures are about a month old, but they all still had a great time.
Thanks Jason

Prenatal Exposure

While I was pregnant with Erik I was working as a process analyst for Weber Basin Water. At the time we had about 5 major projects going on, which together amounted to about 100 million dollars. So, I spent a lot of time sitting in meetings with a whole bunch of engineers. I'm not talking about staff engineers, these were industry leaders from MWR, Carollo, and others. I was worried at the time how exposure to these engineers would affect my unborn child. After all as an expectant mother it was my job to take care of my baby. I was concerned mostly about his sense of humor being damaged, thankfully that came through intact, but now...almost 11 years later, I see the unexpected results of this exposure.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Birthday & Happy New Year!!

Well, 2010 found the Dederick family...asleep! Yes, we aren't much for staying up and ringing in the new year, but Scott tries to stay awake at least until after 10:00 our time, because that means he is officially one year older. Being married to a New Year's baby isn't to bad, at least you don't forget and have it sneak up on you.

When we were first married I asked Scott what his favorite dish was, so that I could make it for his birthday. How was I to know it was sauerbraten? I had never even heard of such a thing. It turns out to be almost the national dish of Germany!!! (Because you know what renown cuisine the German's have. You know when you are out with a group of people, trying to decide where to go to eat...Mexican, italian,...german.)

Anyway, for those of you who are not familiar with this dish, you take a perfectly good roast and do unspeakable things to it. The German's believe that vinegar is actually an ingredient...growing up I just thought you had vinegar to color Easter eggs. But because I do love my husband, and it is his favorite I made his speciality again this year. I did go on to Food Network and get a new recipe for it from my favorite AB, so it was a little more vinegary this year, and I never did find the dried juniper berries it required. But all in all, a successful birthday tradition completed.

Now, that being said, I would like to take a minute and wish my dear husband a Happy Birthday. He really is a good guy, and my very best friend. I can't imagine a day without him and appreciate everything that he is. I love him more that anything and hope I have him for another 47 years.

Happy Birthday Scooter!