Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tax Time

OK, it has taken me about this much time since tax day to actually calm down enough to blog. If you are a person who gets a big fat IRS "refund" you should probably stop reading right now...because this is just going to tick you off.

I don't get refunds, I don't even remember the last time I did, and I certainly have never gotten a check from the IRS for more than a few hundred dollars. Yup, I'm one of those people who actually pay taxes. In answer to your questions, yes, I do have money held out of our paychecks, Scott claims 1 and I claim 2. Yes, we do know how to fill out our tax documents and occasionally have had them professionally done. No, I don't cheat on our taxes. Yes, I do claim all my deductions.

You see the problem is that Scott and I just pretty much work our ****es off, and as a result the federal government seeks to penalize that by making us pay more. I don't get the "earned income tax credit", I have never received section 8 housing support, never had food stamps, never had reduced lunches for my children at school, never had help with my utility bills, medicaid or subsidized anything. One time Scott got laid off from a job and the unemployment office decided that since he had a retirement from the US Military he was entitled to $40 per week of unemployment, boy did that really help. We drew that for about 5 months.

Now for the part where I make some people angry. If you got a really big refund from "Uncle" Sam, do you really think you actually overpaid? Are you that stupid? Look at the actual numbers, if you are that capable, and realize that you are simply being paid for your inability to succeed. That's right, you are a bunch of leaches sucking off people that are actually paying their way. Do you think that money just shows up? They estimate that the bottom 50% of wage earners in this country have virtually zero tax liability. So now I will explain what that means for those people, it means that if you don't work as hard as 50% of the population, the US Government will steal money from people that are working harder and give it back to you. The top 10% of wage earners pay 71% of the taxes in this country. Now you may say, "Well, they should, they make a bunch of money." Except that guess what the cut off is for the top 10%...this year it was estimated at households that make more than $108,000.

Scott and I did not chose to have children we could not afford, we drive older cars that are paid for, we don't default on our responsibilities, we go to work every day, we deal with bosses and co-workers who sometimes annoy us, we go to work when we are tired, we pay for our children, we pay for our food, we pay for our health care, we pay our mortgage, we pay our insurance, and most of all we don't expect anyone or anything else to pay for us.

Forgive me if at times I become frustrated with you for your excuses, but since when did your stupidity and bad judgement become my responsibility? Apparently, it was when the US Government decided to use it's power to force me to pay for you.

1 comment:

Donna Lyn said...

Bravo! and we dare leave our names, Donna Lyn and Dale Fowkes