Sunday, January 4, 2009

Out of Pictures???

This is my scrapbook room, my fortress of solitude, my me place. Filled with memorabilia, paper, stickers, cutters, embelishments, a TV and favorite DVDs. But do you see what is missing? There is no stack of pictures waiting...oh, there are boxes of pictures, but I am out of pictures to scrapbook. I know... my mother and sisters have boxes available, just next door. But today I finished up pictures from Arches, Color Sunday on the Grand Mesa, and Halloween. I don't have my Christmas pictures back yet, so as I thumbed through the boxes, I realized I am down to Scott's childhood photos, and I am not ready to start those. So here I sit, blogging instead of scrappin.

You see 2009 is supposed to be a banner year for scrappin. Our ward is now meeting at 9:00, which means we are done with church by 12:00. That generally gives me all Sunday afternoon to scrap, and here it is, the first Sunday of the year and I am out of pictures. I have made literally dozens of albums, and now what??? I need to come up with more projects or 2009 is going to be a very long year.


Jackie said...

I'll send you some pics to do Matt's ABC book, yea?!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until I have a room like that so I can say, "Well now, that's just dandy. All done. Just hubby's childhood left!" ... Starting that house with that room this summer! I'll let you know how I make out and how long it takes me to get to that point! Don't hold your breath!