Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Have Been Exposed!!

Well, my work is now on "Alert Level C" (whatever that means). Apparently because we provide an essential service we are on hyper-planning for the swine flu. We went through this last spring, and now we get to "activate" our plan this fall. Every meeting we have they go over THE PLAN. The plan is 1) Don't get sick 2)If you get sick, don't come to work 3) When you are better you will be sequestered at work, and not allowed to associate with sick people. They have even posted signs all over the gate and doors listing symptoms that if you have, you should turn around and go home (yeah, like I would make it all the way into work, see the sign and then realize I was sick).

They have stock piled supplies at our plant that include soup, ramen noodles and yes...bottled water. HUH? Isn't that what we do?? I may not be the brightest star in the sky, but I do work at a water plant, and I'm pretty sure we make water you are supposed to be able to drink...anyway....

Sooooo, on Friday I was happily doing my Friday stuff (washing dishes, dumping the weeks samples, running the autoclave, listening to my favorite radio) when the phone rings. It was the assistant manager of the district, and we had the following conversation:

Dave: Hello Allison, how are you feeling?
Me: I'm fine Dave, how are you?
Dave: Oh, I'm fine. Are you feeling healthy?
Me: Umm, you?
Dave: Well, the reason I'm calling is that Jenny called in this morning saying she was deathly ill with the flu.
Me: Jenny...crap I was sitting right next to her in the Safety meeting when she was bragging to everyone how she already got her flu shot.
Dave: Yes, I know. That is why I called you, to let you know you have been exposed.

So, now I have "been exposed". It is like we are all sitting around knowing it is only a matter of time before we each get hit. I figured after spending over 9 hours with my Mom in the ER last weekend and not coming out sick I was in the clear. Then I find out I was exposed while in a meeting about the prevention of the swine flu. Grand.


Nancy Nina said...

That is one top-notch plan. How is your mother feeling now?

allison said...

She is better, pretty tired and I think she caught a cold.