Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This is a public service announcement for all my relatives, friends and most especially my nieces and nephews on Facebook. I think that you all need to be aware that my mother (the seventy year plus old woman) is a Facebook snoop.

I know what you thought, that like so many of your friends on Facebook, she logged in one day on a whim, created a profile, and moved on after friending you. Well, that is where you would be mistaken. You see, she used to get on with her laptop a couple times a week, but then in August she bought herself an iPad. There is no going back. The old woman is on Facebook all the time, she snoops around on your pictures, your comments, and even your friends. She knows how to wiggle around to look at everyone else's profiles too, but she doesn't make any comments, she won't like your status, and she never shares anything either.

So this is just to let you know, before you post that picture of your new tattoo, make off color remarks, or change your status...Harriet is watching.

P.S. The woman also reads blogs, and this will tick her off, so I will post this and go get my phone. Expecting a call in T- 5, 4, 3...

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