Sunday, January 29, 2012

OK, that hurts..

Emily opted out of church today, she has a cold.  So we all headed in together which is unusual because Scott and Erik usually head in early so Erik can help pass the sacrament.  Anyway, so we are walking in our standard back door, when Erik said to me, "Mom, I feel like I don't really have very many ties that are appropriate for church.".

WHAT?????  Scott put his hand on my shoulder to keep me from hyperventilating. I love to dress the men in my family, I really love to dress them in Sunday clothes.  My son has known since he was five that wearing white socks to church was never an option, he knows that undershirts need to be worn under white shirts, he also knows that he should always unbutton his suit coat when he sits down. So my son's comment really hurt.  I was confused and concerned, when I got home I went and counted...15 ties he has, including 2 bolos. He has Captain Moroni ties, CTR ties, temple ties...I have no idea why he thinks he has ties that are inappropriate. Alright, maybe the naked girl ties...just kidding...those are Scott's! So now there's only one thing left to do..I have to go shopping, until the pain goes away.

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