Friday, April 20, 2012

The Ramblings of a Cold, Cruel Heart

It's tax season again. Fortunately I am not owing Uncle Sam quite as much this year as last. I guess we planned better. A little while back I had a friend tell me that she was "fiscally conservative, and socially liberal" in her political philosophy. I have been thinking about that a lot lately, exactly what does that mean? I think it means she doesn't like the government spending her money but she is fine with them spending mine on doomed social programs. I consider myself pretty conservative in every aspect of life, so does that automatically infer that I don't care about my fellow man?

I know I've been considered pretty heartless in the past. Cold, unfeeling, mean....yes, I know all the labels.  Maybe I am, but I do know that most government agencies are extremely inefficient and ineffective.  They have lofty goals, things like head start, housing authorities, and welfare.  But I can't help believing that there are a lot better people to take care of programs like that other than the government. I wonder if my friend feels that way not because I am heartless but because maybe she is. 

Let me explain, when I think about it a little further I realize that it is way easier to go along in your merry little life if you just let the government take your money and promise to take care of all the problems with your neighbors.  By turning over all the social programs to others my friend is absolved of all responsibility. She doesn't have to spend any time helping her community.  She doesn't have to become invested in the children in her neighborhood...that's all taken care of. After all, that way if things don't work out it isn't her fault, it was the governments. I'm sure she is very busy with her children's activities and can't be bothered.  She probably doesn't want to worry about  the lady down the street who is out of food and the paperwork hasn't gone through for her EBT card, she doesn't want to worry about the homeless (that is why there is a shelter), she doesn't want to have to take food in to the family that has sickness (isn't there a program for that?).  She can rest comfortably at night believing that her benevolent Uncle has taken care of everyone around her.

Now back to heartless me...who doesn't want a socially liberal government.  I believe that charity begins at home, that means families take care of each other. But wait, our country has downgraded the family unit by rearranging the definition.  OK, then I want my community to help each other, like our church does, but wait again...the government is going after our churches and considering revoking their tax exempt status.

Enough is enough. I'm tired of the jump people make when they assume that socially conservative means cruel and heartless. If you want to think I'm all that, go I've stated before on this blog I believe you can have the eternal blessings or the worldly recognition. Once again...I don't care what you think, I know who I am.

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