Saturday, October 4, 2014

Food Storage & A Barren Pig

If I learned anything growing up it was that dry cows went to the sales yard and barren wives were to be replaced (just kidding, well kind of). I’m not sure if it was Wilbur’s fault, Lola’s, or even mine, but there are no piglets to be found at the old Dederick house. So it is with a little bit of a heavy heart that I have decided to send Lola to the butcher shop. Every thing must fill the measure of its creation, and apparently Lola’s is to fill my freezer and provide a Christmas ham for 2014.. But before we cart her off, I remembered that I have quite a bit of expired food storage down in the scary basement, so… It seems the perfect solution, I’m sure if she knew she would go on a hunger strike.

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