Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Erik & Taylor Swift

The other night, on our way to scouts, Erik flipped on the radio, the voice gently came through the speakers son looks at me. Accusingly he says, "Is this Taylor Swift?" I couldn't deny it, she is on all the time. He immediately switched the station.

You see, while the rest of my family thinks she's awesome, love her music, and hope she continues to not turn into Brittany Spears, my son has a dissenting opinion. I think he is the only person in America (outside the Jonas family) who doesn't adore Taylor Swift. I suggested he learn to like her, I told him she seemed to not be going anywhere soon. "I just can't stand her, she is such a poser." "A poser?" I asked. "Yeah! She's all like makeup and glitter, she's a diva."
OK, I'm not sure whether I should be concerned that my 10 year old son is using words like poser and diva, or that he doesn't like one of the cutest girls on CMT.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I don't adore her either. I think her music is totally so-so. I don't get the Taylor Swift hype.