Sunday, June 20, 2010

Interstate 70 Acres

Oh man, I haven't blogged in forever, so now I feel guilty! This weekend was the annual Cub Scout Family Campout (I know you're thinking...does she ever do anything besides scouts?). Anyway, I was hoping for the Uncompaghre, but was out voted to go to Island Acres. Being good sports Scott, Erik and I (Emily was still up at Girl's Camp) headed out. Once there I remembered why I like the mountains! I love to camp, but camping to me is in the Aspen trees, not ten minutes from Palisade. Anyway...we fished, caught a bunch of Blue Gills, we swam, we watched a movie under the stars that Scott rigged up, we cooked and had a pretty good day.

Then we tried to go to bed...did I mention that Island Acres is located in Debeque Canyon? Nestled between the railroad, the Colorado River, and Interstate 70? I had the opportunity to listen to every diesel, motorcycle, and Halliburton trucks that was traveling by. It was a long, long night.

We got up early, packed up, had a great breakfast (hosted by Shawnalee) and came home. A little punchy I tried to teach my Sunday school lesson, then Scott and I took about a three hour nap.

Don't worry, I reminded the kids at dinner to wish their Dad a Happy Father's Day. He's a pretty good sport to spend Father's Day weekend camping with the Scouts, but we are definitely ready to go back to work on Monday morning!

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