Sunday, July 15, 2012

Catching the Blue Bird of Happiness

I have a co-worker who said, "You always seem so happy, it's pretty annoying!"  I know what you are thinking:

A) This person obviously doesn't know Allison very well
B) Allison deserves an Oscar
C) Allison has a secret stash of Xanax she only uses at work

Well, it's a little of A and sometimes a whole lot of B.  I used to be pretty cranky, then one day I realized that being happy wasn't up to anyone but me.  If you sit around waiting for the Blue Bird of happiness to finally land on your window, you're going to be wasting a lot of days. So the solution is pretty simple.  You have to go out, hunt down that little Blue Bird, catch it and stick the little dickens in your own cage.  Then it belongs to you, and you can have it whenever you need it.

In other words, if you are waiting for someone else to make you happy, you're going to be pretty disappointed.  Go hunt down your own Blue Bird

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