Friday, July 20, 2012

My New Intolerance

Well, let me start out by saying that I’m a gun loving, scripture quoting, middle aged, mini-van driving Mormon Mom. That right there puts me in a conservative category. If people only knew how conservative (to the point of libertarianism) that puts me, it would probably scare them a lot. However, that being said, I would also like to point out that if whatever you believe, put forward, embrace, practice etc.; that as long as you don’t infringe upon my rights, tax me for it, teach it to my children or expect me to practice, preach or defend…that’s fine.

BUT…that doesn’t mean I have to like it. In this day and age of “tolerance” I think people are a little confused. You see, I believe in free agency, you can make you own choices, do your own thing, as long as you don’t force it on me. Maybe I’m getting over saturated with “free thinking” or maybe a little of Grandma Smirl is showing up, either way I’m tired of pretending that “whatever you want” is OK. It isn’t and I’m not going to argue with you. Honestly, you can find your way to hell all by yourself.

So many people equate being conservative with being provincial. “How quaint, do you believe the Earth is flat too?” they ask smugly, believing they have a superior intellect. Well, I may be from Kannah Creek, Colorado, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t seen a little of the world. I traveled extensively growing up, lived overseas, read a pretty big variety of subjects, have a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology and can name my senators and congressmen. Maybe they think my traditional beliefs are the result of a low IQ, that if I was just a little smarter I would understand…trust me, I’ve had IQ tests (it isn’t the problem).

There is an old saying that first you tolerate evil, then you defend it, then you embrace it. I’m not going to tolerate it anymore without saying something. So, if I have offended you…oh well. Please do not mistake my intolerance for ignorance, I understand your point…I just don’t agree with you.

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