Sunday, September 15, 2013

Joys of the Job

One of the many joys about my job is "Customer Complaints". That means that all my wonderful customers have the chance to come in when they go to pay their late payments (keeping their water from being turned off) and if by chance they whine about the water, I get a lovely piece of paper to call and go out "because their water smells funny" or my favorite "there is this stuff that grows under the rim of my toilet" so not kidding.

I hate people

 Last week was no exception, I got a frantic phone call from one of the ladies in the front office about an irate customer who had come in with a cup of yellow water. He screamed at her in the office, went home and ten minutes later called on the phone demanding a supervisor. When I got the phone number about 15 minutes later, he told me that he had turned on his outside hose, some sludgy yellow stuff had come out, then some yellow water and finally these little yellow pieces of stuff. To say he was obnoxious would be to put it mildly. Then I said, "Sir, by chance do you have a water softener?"...silence for about 30 seconds, "yeah, why?" Because the stuff he was describing is classic water softener rupture.  "But that takes salt" he said defensively.  We ended going up there, it would be hard to describe other than to say that yellow water should be the least of those peoples concern.

Which reminds me...I hate people. I know that sounds terrible but the truth of the matter is that I really do. Oh, I like them individually (ok somewhat) but as a whole - nope

By the way people - here's a little tip: The water company is only responsible for the quality of the water they deliver to your meter. What you do after that I don't care!!! I don't care if your hot water tank stinks because you don't use enough hot water to turn it over, I don't care if your in home system hasn't had a filter changed since Clinton was President, I don't care about your water softener, and I really, REALLY REALLY don't care about the mold growing on the underside of the rim of your toilet!!! Not to mention the many times I have stepped over dog poop in the living room, been unable to breath from the smoke, or asked if they could move the week old dishes in the sink so I could take a sample of the "smelly water".

Did I mention that I hate people?

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