Sunday, February 23, 2014

Friends in other places

If I have recently un-friended you on FB don’t worry – it wasn’t a mistake. FB for me is about entertainment and keeping up with family and friends.  However, recently I have noticed an up-tic in the number of “Shared” pictures and videos.  If you regularly post shared pictures or videos that I find personally offensive, I un-friend you.  I give a three-strike rule, but then you’re done.  By the way, I also pay attention to where you found your “cute” picture, so if you share a picture from someplace that has a disgusting name, that is also a strike against you. If you regularly use certain swear words, that too will get you marked of my friends list, it would be hypocritical of me to say I don’t swear – but there are a couple swear words I have never used nor will I. Using the Lord or the Savior’s name in vain will also result in a strike out.

Now, before you get all high and mighty with me hear me out.  I’m certainly not saying you can’t post all the stupid things you want, nor would I ever dream of attempting to silence your precipitous postings with any type of censure. However, I don’t need to see or hear you.  While I would not purchase a magazine with a disgusting picture of a naked man who has a woman holding his privates – I don’t want to see it on FB either.  Oh I know, it was to promote some type of cancer awareness, or feral cat kindness week, or struggling with bulimia Hollywood starlet focus WHATEVER! I don’t care. You will be unfriended.

Yes, I have had people ask me why and I have been blunt.  Most of these people would never show you in person the pictures they post on FB. Nor would they say half the things they “like” or post, so why in the world do they think it is OK to do it behind the screen of FB? Make you own call, I have made mine.  In the final analysis I’m pretty sure FB has made a lot of angels have extra time on their hands, they don’t really have to take notes on what we are doing…they just have to look at your FB page.

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