Monday, March 24, 2014

Christmas Costumes


Yes, today I finished my set of Nativity Costumes!!! I know it's March. 

When I was growing up we always did the nativity on Christmas Eve, and my Grandma Whiting had a set of costumes that was used, probably for around 50 years.  Slowly over the years those costumes have gone missing and this year when I went to borrow them from Aunt Donna, sadly all she had left was a couple of Wise Men robes, one Shepard, and a single angel cape. Trust me that is a long way from what there used to be.

So, Scott and I had talked about doing this for a while, but since I had volunteered to get things together for a ward Christmas nativity, I had to step it up.  Now please bear in mind that I am a looooong way from ever being a seamstress. So I ended up buying a lot of fabric, cutting it and mostly draping it over kids, along with some flannel shirts and some angel tinsel halos.  But when it was all said and done I realized I had spent quite a  bit of money on this fabric and since quite a bit of it was satin/silk, it was starting to fray pretty badly after one use.

I have a sewing machine that is about 15 years old, so the first step was in to get it serviced.  Then I started sewing, fortunately it was just straight lines.  The other challenge is that the costumes have to fit a pretty big variety of sizes, for instance, this year in the ward play we had little Ezra, who weighs about 30 pounds, and at the Christmas Eve at Aunt Donna's I had Joseph Clark and Curt as Joseph and a wise man.  So the costumes need to be able to be draped and tied with a pretty universal size situation.

But... they are done!! OK, I thought this little project would only take to the end of January. Good thing I had Dr. Pol. I still will keep a look out for remnants or things that will work from the second hand shops, but of all the material that I had, they are now all ready to go - so my set now consists of-

Mary - in blue of course
King Herod - in Purple
The Inn Keeper
3 wise men - even though I will look for more because we don't actually know how many there were
Samuel the Lamanite
4 Nephites
6 Shepherds - unless I break out Daddy's flannel - then that number jumps to around 14
                          And finally
13 Angel capes!!!!

Bring on Christmas

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