Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is almost here.....YES!!!!

I love Christmas, and it's almost here!!!! I am so excited, I love Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas morning, Christmas day..I am so ready! Well, I'm pretty ready, I have most of my presents bought (but most are still in the shopping bags, tucked in the corner of my closet, so I need to get those wrapped). I love holiday baking, (well, I have all the ingredients, they're sitting on my kitchen counter, I just need to actually make the cookies). I have finished up with Cub Scouts for 2008 (OK, I just need to get the re-charter finished, signed and turned in). But Church is all squared away, (as soon as I finish narrating the Christmas play on Saturday night, and get the new class bags for 2009 finished, they're sitting in my hallway). So because I have so much extra time I am helping my sister finish one of her projects, she is even more stressed than me!!

Oh, who am I kidding, I need at least another week!!! But Christmas is in 5 days. Do you hear that people???? 5 Days!!!! I have to go, I don't have time to blog.

Merry Christmas!!

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