Thursday, September 20, 2012

Career Change??

I would make an excellent assassin. I think I missed my calling in life and I should have been recruited by the CIA or some other top secret government agency. After all, everyone knows I like guns, and a couple years ago I discovered I am really good at laser tag. So of course I would be an awesome operative.

I used to read romance novels, but now I read a lot of action/thriller/black ops type novels, so I think I am ready for the big time. Unfortunately I have shelved that dream because I’m a Mom, and a wife, and who would go to parent/teacher conferences and get the laundry done if I was out saving the world from jihadists.

The conscience part of it? No, I don’t think I would have any issues with it. A couple weeks ago I was sitting next to Nancy in Gospel Doctrine (we had a substitute) and they were discussing the wars in the Book of Mormon, and how the Nephites didn’t really want to kill the Lamanites, because who really wants to kill other people? Nancy leaned over and said, “I would want to kill people in that situation, does that make me bad?” I assured her I would to, I thought about it and told her, “No, we aren't bad, it just means we want to give those people an opportunity to meet the Lord sooner and start their explanations early”

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