Sunday, September 30, 2012

We Shouldn't Punish the Shoes

When I was growing up I learned to run in 4” heels. I didn’t wear them every day, so that was quite a feat. Usually I was wearing cowboy boots or high tops, but I loved my heels. Then I got married. My husband is 5’8” tall, and I am just a hair under 5’5”, I have always been conscious of women who were taller than their husbands, so I gave up my big heels for many years.

After all, it isn’t as if I can wear those shoes to my work, because pumps and pumps don’t exactly mix…get it? If I have to explain my jokes, they aren’t funny.

But, one day I was out shopping, looking at all those lovely heels, and realized that the shoes shouldn’t be punished just because the Lord decided to make my eternal companion only a few inches taller than me. So I have happily re-embraced my love of tall shoes, and that is why I now have all these beauties:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better hide those red ones next time we visit.