Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy as Lola

In two weeks I have a large celebratory BBQ planned for my little senior. The weather has not exactly been cooperating. I know what you are thinking..."You would think Allison would have learned from her wedding reception, and never scheduled anything in the yard during May ever again". Well...that may be true, but I have no control over when GJHS graduates the latest crop. Anyway, you would think that yesterday I would have had Scott busily raking, mowing and cleaning up in general. But the truth of the matter is that I detest yard work. Oh, I love being outside and doing things, just not attempting to grow, rake, or fertilize anything.

I do have my priorities, and yesterday was the day to get some relocating done for the animals. Which means, the big chickens needed a temporary coop erected, the baby chicks needed to have their coop cleaned and the run blocked off, the goats needed to get in the way, and Lola the lonesome pig needed a better shelter. Truthfully, anytime we have turned out with the goats she runs around the pen, goes in the goat shelter and takes a nap. I know, I know, I thought that was all taken care of with the camper shell and the straw bales. But, it turns out that pigs are just as capable of getting into mischief as the goats. Plus, their snouts are extremely strong. So the pigs began working on the bales of the camper shell almost immediately, then I purchased some cinder blocks to put the camper shell on (I know, this is a classy animal operation). Unfortunately, the pigs also can move the darn cinder blocks and finally about a week ago Lola managed to collapse the camper shell on top of her. I fixed it, but she refused to go in, and I mean refused! The temperature got down to 25 degrees, it snowed and still, on shear principle, she refused. I felt so bad, she was out there shivering in the cold, huddled under the was pitiful.

So this Saturday I convinced Scooter that the thing to do was to take an old Rubbermaid shed (you know the kind you get at Sam's club) that we had and relocate it to Lola. Now bear in mind that we have had this Rubbermaid shed for about 13 years. We actually purchased it while we lived on base, moved it over here and have been "storing" yard stuff in it. Now when I say storing, I really mean just opening the doors, throwing stuff in there and hoping our little snakes don't come slithering out because we disturbed them. So Scott and I dismantled the shed, and it turns out from all the yard stuff I had in there, I really should have a gorgeous yard. But we re-assembled the thing out in Lola's pen and threw in a fresh bale of straw.

As soon as Lola went back in her pen, I showed her the new addition.  She couldn't believe it, she walked right in, stood there and just stared! Then she started arranging her straw. I went out later to check on her and she was laying in the doorway, sleeping in the sun. She didn't even open her eyes when I went in and scratched her chin...just laid there and smiled.  This morning I went out and she sat on her haunches, looked at me, yawned a few times and promptly laid back down! She is so happy, happy, happy that even Frank hanging around outside her gate doesn't even irritate her.

So it got me thinking, how would it be to have as much joy from the simplest things in life? How much better would all our lives be if a Rubbermaid shed and a bale of straw could make us happy? We all worry way to much, think to much and plan to much. So, I hope I can remember the smile on her face and remember what true joy really is.

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