Thursday, July 11, 2013

A MONTH???!!!!

WOW! Has it really been a month since I have posted?? Holy Cow! I can't believe it, where has the summer gone? Emily came back from Germany, had a great time and wants to go back. We went to a family reunion, had a 4th of July celebration over at my sister Nancy's, started renovating Donna's house next door for Allison and Jason to move out here, started the interview process and hired someone to work in the lab at work with me, and started getting serious about sending Emily off to Mines.

One of the things that makes it hard to believe that it has been a month since I posted is that I am forever writing blogs in my head. Especially while I am driving, I have so many conversations in my head that I want to post here, but by the time I get home from work I either don't have the energy or the time. In retrospect, many times that is a good thing because the blogs I really want to write I would end up having to take off because my Mom would make me.

The other reason I haven't blogged very much is that I haven't exactly felt 100% for a while, not really sure why. I went to my doctor's office and had to see another doctor because mine wasn't in that day, and he immediately informed me that I had West Nile, he was pretty insistent actually. Turns out that I don't, but it doesn't explain some of the symptoms I have been having. It is probably "Not ready to send my daughter off to college, not enough hours in the day for either work or home, trying to get a bunch of things all accomplished at the same time -itis".

That is more that likely it, so I will just have to power through...

In the mean time, here are a few blogs that I did manage to remember composing in my swiss cheese brain...enjoy!

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