Monday, January 13, 2014

Beware The Story That Grows

Have you heard about the guy that worked at the EPA and managed to convince his supervisors that he was actually working undercover for the CIA? First he was a "Climate Change Expert" and if that isn't suspicious enough, with out any verification, he managed to convince his bosses that he was undercover for the CIA and spent up to 18 months at a time away from his desk job.  Not only did he stay away from his job, he actually ran up expensive travel and luxury hotel stays, for close to 20 years. Plus, he managed to collect bonuses!

Nice Work if You Can Get It!

See, no one wanted to ask him for verification, because they didn't want to appear to not be in the "in" crowd.  If they actually asked, it would look like they didn't know.  And no one wants to be that guy, so everyone just played along.

 Well just like that -  what isn't true appears to be true.

This weekend I encountered a story that seemed to grow more and more fantastical each time it was told.  It was kind of like the story your child would tell you about how the alien came down, warped time, broke the window, went back in time allowed it to get fixed and then the dog managed to re-break the window, and you can't really ask the neighbors if anyone was out playing ball in the street, because they all have amnesia from the don't ask them.

Got that? Yeah, that was kind of the story that happened this weekend. Anytime people begin to add things to their story you should be suspicious.  Information and change should be able to stand all by themselves without bringing in the fantastical stories. Anytime big names are thrown around and people nod like, "you just don't know because you're not part of the inner circle" you should ask REALLY? I would like to see some verification.

Never assume that just because someone says something with confidence that it is true. That includes me...find out for yourself and ...beware of any story that gets bigger

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