Saturday, May 24, 2014


20 years ago my niece Kassandra was born 6 weeks early, and without oxygen for nearly 7 minutes.  My sister nearly bled out and they both had to recover in the hospital for several weeks.  Specialists informed Nancy and Jaw about all the things that Kassie would never be able to do, talk, walk, learn, etc.  Conservative on purpose I know but experts can be real downers.

It turns out that despite amazing odds stacked against her, Kassandra graduated from GJHS on May 13th, 2014. She walked across the stage, unaided and with a little help from the Principal, went down the steps with a real life diploma from high school.

We cried, we cheered, we had a party with a bump and jump and the candy canon.

Then Kassie realized that she is facing the rest of her life....a little daunting.  She was going to just take a week off and then start volunteering at the VA with Uncle Scott around, when we hit a little snag.  Sunday while everyone was a church Kassie went out to get a bottle of salsa from the food storage, fell and landed her knee into the bottle.  Blood everywhere and a trip to the urgent care to fish out additional glass shards and stitches, Kassie is now on hold for a few weeks before starting the rest of her life. 

On the plus sign, she now is going to go to church on Sunday's and she got her own cell phone, to call in the event of an emergency!

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