Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Memories X

Once upon a time, we had to drive all the way into church on Gunnison Avenue. Then after the stake was split we ended up in the Stake Center for a couple years while they built a new chapel for 10th & 11th Wards on Orchard Mesa. My Dad was the Bishop when they started and dedicated that building. He put a lot of time into making sure that building was designed for a growing ward.  After Daddy died, Brother Jay Olsen and a couple other men in our ward petitioned Salt Lake to plant a tree with a plaque in memory of my Dad. It started out as a little bitty Blue Spruce.
One year my cousin's wife Lynette had her children make ornaments to hang on the tree. My Mom started putting those little ornaments on for a couple years, but the tree just got so big it started to swallow them up.

So, I decided that I would surprise my sisters and my Mom, by having Jason and Casey, along with my kids decorate the tree with red Christmas ribbons.
Over the next few years it became a family tradition to decorate that tree, but it kept getting bigger and bigger!

(Oh yeah...fat Allison helped too...) 

 We had someone complain, so we stopped. I'm not really sure why they would...but..
Anyway, I probably will start this tradition again, I still have all the ribbons, I just need to get a cherry picker, because the tree is pretty big now!

1 comment:

Shella's Ramblings said...

Such a Jason pose on the 2nd to last one.